Electrical Scissor Lifts


MICRA 600 - 8 mt

Code: MICRA 600
Compact platform, suitable for warehouses, supermarkets and small spaces.
Max. working height 8 mt
Total capacity 250 kg


MICRA 730 - 9,30 mt

Code: MICRA 730
Compact platform, suitable for operating in small spaces such as warehouses, supermarkets, etc. Max. working height: 9.30 m Total capacity: 200 kg
Max. working height 9,30 mt
Total capacity 200 kg


SF 630 . 8,30 mt

Code: SF 630
Traditional type of electric vertical platform. Max. working height: 8.30 m Total capacity: 400 kg
Max. working height 8,30 mt
Total capacity 400 kg


SF 820 IR - 10,20 mt

Code: SF 820 IR
Narrow electrical vertical platform with good lifting and reduced overall dimensions. Max. working height: 10.20 m Total capacity: 300 kg
Max. working height 10,20 mt
Total capacity 300 kg


SF 820 - 10,20 mt

Cod: SF 820
Piattaforma con portata elevata e ampio spazio di lavoro. Altezza max. lavoro: 10,20 mt Portata totale: 450 kg
Max. working height 10,20 mt
Total capacity 450 kg

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SF 1000 IRR - 12 mt

Cod: SF 1000 IRR
Platform which reaches a good lifting with reduced overall dimensions. Max. working height: 12.00 m Total capacity: 400 kg
Max. working height 12 mt
Total capacity 300 kg


SF 1200 - 14 mt

Cod:SF 1200
Piattaforma di grosse dimensioni e alta capacità di carico, ha ruote artigliate imperforabili che la rende adatta a lavorare anche senza pavimento. Altezza max. lavoro: 14,00 mt Portata totale: 500 kg
Max. working height 14 mt
Total capacity 500 kg


SF 1380 - 15,80 mt

Cod:SF 1380
E' tra le piattaforme elettriche più grosse, ha buona portata, buona elevazione e un'ampio spazio di lavoro; la gommatura artigliata imperforabile la rende adatta anche per esterni e terreni non asfaltati. Altezza max. lavoro: 15,80 mt Portata totale: 500 kg
Max. working height 15,80 mt
Total capacity 500 kg